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高中英语作文:感恩之心 Heart Of Gratitude

情感作文 2021-11-28 08:18:00

  在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?下面是小编整理的高中英语作文:感恩之心 Heart Of Gratitude,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。

  Start a emotional call to paper, bring a pen called gratitude, write a letter to the parents of my life. Write a letter to my knowledge of the teacher, write a letter to my friendship with classmates, write me a heart warmly, grateful heart.

  A baby born, a baby happy to play, students on a journey...... This is how many warm and subtle affection!

  When the sweet dream of a beautiful warm, when the moon is bright and charming, when someone is lurking Yixiang, current Cheng Park magnanimous, with stubborn fighting our knowledge on the road; when the relentless wind, waves suddenly hit ruthless, perhaps, only despair, only sad sigh. This is our parents let us see the blue sky, the eagle, to see the sea dragon. Let us believe that it is life to deceive our hearts, let the tears blurred our eyes. Told us that after the storm is still sunny, still missing after the full moon april. It is they who take us out of the misunderstanding of life, they taught us to the difficult challenges, they let us after the failure, to re raise the sails of life!

  When the eagles in the face of the blue sky, they know nothing about, hidden in the heart full of mystery; today, they rely on a strong wings Ao sky travel, to search for unknown answers. But no matter how high they fly, fly far, will not forget their lovely home, will thank their parents for their love.

  Do you remember your first teacher? Remember the teacher and you said the first sentence? Remember the teacher first education you? For the first time that many hastily erected heart boat, struggling in the sea. How much to pay, how many gains in the efforts of the "heart" of the boat ride the wind and waves, heading for our ideal. With the help of the teacher, the ideal manor finally faintly visible!

  At the crossroads of life, is the teacher gave us a warm hand, that hand is the road sign, so we are in a loss in the firm, in the thinking of. The teacher let us see the vast expanse of the sky, the teacher let us see the blue waves of the sea. Teachers inculcate into our wisdom in mind, chest of blood, external behavior. In the journey of life, is the teacher enriches our mind, our intellectual development; for us to kindle the light of hope and give us in the ideal wings, travel Ao in the ocean of knowledge. Because there is a teacher's love of water, some of the hard work, will have the magnificent peach, golden rice and wheat. When we become a soaring eagle in the sky, when we walk into dragon in the sea, this is a credit to teachers, so we should use the "heart" to thank the teachers.

  Teacher, more is good, isn't it?

  If a person's life without a friend, you can say nothing. And students schoolmate friendship over the years will stay together morning and night broke out in an instant, and suddenly moved. Years, although only a short moment, we love singing together, and hope the singing, singing hard, melting into the kindness of.

  It is often said that the friendship between comrades in arms and classmates is the most sincere and eternal friendship in the world, we have one, we should not be happy? Shouldn't we thank the students for giving us such a friendship? Life is a string of pearls; a long time is a group of music, and friendship is one of the most brilliant of the Pearl, the most exciting movement.

  I always remember, in my hands on the shoulders, the wind up when there is how warm; I will always remember, with the back of my growth, with your vicissitudes of life, for my life's happiness, happiness!

  Unknown to the public educated students everywhere, sincere people who pillars of the state. Only spring in your calendar, in your life, only for our growth and initiation of joy.

  Alpenglow, we work into the school, sunset, we home side by side; the classroom, help us figure, the playground, we are happy footprints; game, a look, we take the hint, experiment, a gesture, we bead joint bi... How many of our beautiful precipitation every morning and evening, friendship, good memories......

  I thank my parents, thank my teacher, thank my classmates, thank them for giving me a colorful life, for they let me have a warm and grateful heart!

  There is always a kind of truth that can touch the most vulnerable part of our heart, there is always a kind of personality will drive us to constantly seek self perfection, there is always a kind of moving can make us burst into tears. When in 20xx moved one of China top ten characters of Xu Benyu onto the screen, the kind heart is awakened, a called tears welling up to greet the socket. Is secular dust wrapped too long, long time not so happy cry, busy work pull mix, long time no such feeling relieved. Thought the world too much cold, already missing touched the feelings, and that night, I believe that many people in China and I, was a great catharsis, an ethereal purification.

  Used to look at the world a lot of falseness, earlier thought heart already numb; tasted the joys and sorrows of the world too much, believed to be have Xinruzhishui. But at this time let us ignite the heart of thanksgiving.

    标签: 感恩作文

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